
月曜日, 12月 13, 2010

New Work December

Does this count as performance art?

FW:Progressive POST-Interested Only Very Plus Plus (Los Angeles, California)

Date: 2010-12-13, 10:15AM PST
Reply to: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


are you a computer?

do you mean us?

where do you fit in, in this zone?

When wanted for music, how do you express yourself with regard to the innate incoherencies and contradictions in global media data structures presented locally and in other places too?

More importantly, do you have a marimba? and can we borrow it to play a show? I guess you could play bass hooked up to a bunch of sampling stuff computers fx diode process envelopes warbling delay delay delay resampled autotuned........

or we could start an acoustic george harrison cover band!!!!!


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lukewarmly interested?

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don't know how to reply?

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four million dollar reward* to the very best most correspondency newsletter, tell us what's up, will you drive four hours in traffic to rehearse every week?

We have every good looking person playing the best music ever filled in with the funniest, most clever things to say in between, so you gotta be able to gel with that.

Thank you! The future of sound waves Thank you, Forever.

**ps. faxes receive fastest consideration, dollar amount negotiable and NOT GUARANTEED LIMITED

Location: Los Angeles, California
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests




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